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Maestro Raffaele Gaizo

Maestro Antonio Fraioli

Rolando Vetica

Maestro Matteo Di Prospero

by V. Piscopo

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 As the Municipal Band of the City of Latina
Since the 25th October 1952, the Musical Association "G. Rossini", has been the official band of the City of Latina, taking part in the official and traditional, religious and non religious, events.

  Among the main public events there are:

  Memorial day-10 February;
  Celebration of the Republic-2th June;
  Celebration of the Patron Saint Maria Goretti-6th July;
  Celebration of the Armed Force-4th November;
  Bithday of the City of Latina-18 December;

It takes part in many religious events, which mark a link with out city and in this context the band is a propagator of popular culture

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   As the wind instruments' orchestra
The wind instruments' orchestra "Gioacchino Rossini" organizes and takes part in many concerts which are performed in the theatre and in other suitable places outdoors.
Thanks to the active collaboration of Maestro Raffaele Gaizo and Maestro Antonio Fraioli, both of whom have belied in and still believe in this project, there are many much appreciated concerts performe by citizens who play for passion and musicians to have a diploma from town's Academy of Music.
The orchestra has received several acclamations by the public, which has encourage it to continue in this activity.
The Association has a variety of repertories: classical, modern, jazz and original wind instruments' musical excerpts.

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   As promoter and spreader of music.
The wind instruments' orchestra "Gioacchino Rossini" promotes and popularizes the musical culture among young people by organizing concert-lessons in schools.

The themes introduced during these concert-lessons are:

  Musical instruments
  The structure of the musical excerpt's composition
  The interactive listening to the performance of some excerpts

As regards the musical instruments, the pupils can examine some wind and percussion instruments from close up. They are shown how they function, their history and the different sound they produce through practical examples.
In the part dedicated to the structural analysis of the chosen passages, the students listen to musical passages that are “divided” into separate parts that are first played one at a time and the all together so that the youngsters can recognize the different parts which were examined formerly.
With the interactive listening, musical excerpts known to the children are played, so that they can interact with the musicians. The concert-lessons has the duration of about an hour.
The aim of these concert-lesson is to let the class of children have fun and have a peep behind the scenes of the world of music, which is closer to them than they think, and hopefully their enthusiasm will attract them to take up of this wonderful subject. Music has an instimable formative value and there should be increased studying and spreading of it everywhere: in schools, theatres, clubs and, why not, even in the street.

Photo Gallery

   As support of the tradition of bands
The Musical Association “G. Rossini” is conviced that the band is an artistic and cultural heritage rooted in the territory and has been able to fortify its link winth the local community. Giving importance to the band means safeguarding the different popular traditions which marck a link with out land and religious customs; therefore, in conclusion the band is a propagator of “popular culture”.
A peculiarity of this band is the presence of musicians of all ages, from 12 to 90 years old. The band is one of the most widespread and loved expressions of our own popular traditions which contributes in handing down values of culture, enthusiasm and community to the younger generations, too. The arrival of the musical band is the most exciting moment in a small town’s celebration.
As it passes, balconies and open windows are full of people who are invaded by an irrepressible joy and who then pour into the main square to enjoy the marches, which are the deepest and most touching voice of the people’s soul.
How many passions, how many recollections that music rekindles!
A lot of people remember delightful evenings around an orchestra glowing with festoons and colourful lights, when the town band performed and was surrounded by the affection and admiration of the people.
Each small town whichloves its traditions cheriches is own band. It is a tradition and traditions cannot and must not die.

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